Horse Boxing

Expert Horse Boxing Training

Boxing your horse can be a challenging experience, especially while attending an event or moving. By working with Wayne, he’ll ensure a safe and stress-free journey.

Regular Box Training

Boxing should be done regularly to ensure the safety of both you and your horse, as well as to minimize stress during events or moving. Conserving your horse’s energy before a sporting event will improve their performance and reduce unnecessary strain on them.

Addressing Horse Box Issues

Horses might’ve had bad experiences in the past or got spooked by loud noises within the confined space of the horse box. This can result in the horse developing fears and insecurities when it comes to boxing. Through consistent groundwork training, you can build trust and respect to help them to box confidently.

The Problem of Tranquilizing

While tranquilizing horses during boxing is a common practice, it can have adverse effects on their well-being and should be avoided as a priority. By working with me, we can ensure that you don’t need to tranquilize your horse.

Professional Horse Box Training

As a professional horse trainer, I offer tailored sessions to help your horse become confident in boxing. Through positive reinforcement techniques and consistent training, we can build a safe and trusting relationship with your horse.

Boxing can be a daunting experience, but with the right training and techniques, you can ensure a safe and stress-free journey for both you and your horse. Regular training, avoidance of tranquilizers, addressing horse box issues, and professional horse box training can all help to achieve a successful journey.

Struggling with boxing your horse? Wayne can help your horse overcome their fears.